

Recommended Planting Dates for North Texas:




Responses to the Feral Hog Problem

The best window of time to trap wild pigs is about to close

Texas Agriculture Commissioner announces TAC rule change for feral hog toxicant


Mesquite Control:

Basic info on controlling mesquite can be found on the following website:
Go to the section under Archived Webinars and then select Mesquite- How to Treat!!

Brush Busters: How to Beat Mesquite – Texas A&M AgriLife Extension (


Additional Informational Articles:

Chemical Weed & Brush Control: Chemical Weed_Brush Control_ERM1466

Fire blight of ornamental pears: Fireblight-on-Pears-119_tamu

Khaki Weed Information Sheet: Khaki weed

New technology in Weed Management: New Technologies in Weed Management – for Cotton (

Pasture Grassbur Control: Pasture Grassbur Control_DG_2017

Ranch TV

TEXAS A&M Forest Service:

The Agriculture and Food Policy Center:

U.S. drought monitor:

USDA plant data base:

Weed Control in Pastures and Forages:  Weed Control in Pastures and Forages ESC-024

Wood-boring Insects of trees and shrubs: reeShrub_ Borers EB-5086


Pecan Information:

Evaluating Pecan problems: Pecan trouble shooting_TAMU

Wichita County Pecan spray schedule: WichitaPecan_spray sched._Bill Ree_8-2015


Private Applicator Training:

Need a Private Pesticide Applicator License to do weed and brush spraying on your own property? The Texas Department of Agriculture is now offering an online course.  Please visit: Texas Private Pesticide Applicator Training | Pesticide License ( to enroll.

Once you pass the test and receive your license from TDA, it is good for 5 years and you will need to accumulate 15 Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) in that five year period. Of the 15 that TDA requires, 2 CEU’s must be for Laws & Regulations and 2 for Integrated Pest Management, the remaining 11 can be generals or a mix of any of them. You may attend our educational programs we put on throughout the year to acquire the needed CEU’s.


We wanted to pass along some valuable information. If you have a family member or a friend that could benefit from this information please forward to them. I am sure that each county employee knows at least one veteran, a caretaker of a veteran or a spouse of a veteran

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